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Select a category below for more information on the Planning Council and the Ryan White Program!


What is the Bergen-Passaic HIV Health Services Planning Council?

The The Paterson-Passaic County-Bergen County HIV Health Services Planning Council is a community planning group that oversees the prioritization and allocation of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act (RWTMA) Part A funds.


It is also called the Planning Council.

What does the Planning Council do?

The Council has several major duties, including:


The planning council must find out about what services are needed and by which populations, as well as the barriers faced by people living with HIV in the EMA or TGA (needs assessment).


Next, based on needs assessment, utilization, and epidemiological data, it decides what services are most needed by people with HIV in the TGA (priority setting) and decides how much RWHAP Part A money should be used for each of these service categories (resource allocations).


The planning council may also provide guidance to the recipient on service models, targeting of populations or service areas, and other ways to best meet the identified priorities (directives).


The planning council works with the recipient to develop a long-term plan on how to provide these services (integrated/comprehensive planning, for­merly called comprehensive planning).


The planning council reviews service needs and ways that RWHAP Part A services work to fill gaps in care with other RWHAP Parts through the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need (SCSN) as well as with other programs like Medicaid and Medicare (coordination).


The planning council also evaluates how providers are selected and paid, so that funds are made available efficiently where they are most needed (assessment of the efficiency of the administrative mechanism).


All of these roles are described below:


When and where does the Planning Council meet?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all meetings will be held virtually via ZOOM Meetings.

The Planning Council and Committees meet monthly.


For a more comprehensive schedule of meetings, please see the Meeting Calendar link.


How can I find out about the PC meeting times and agendas?

The Planning Council has a website, which includes upcoming Planning Council and committee meeting times. You can also find agendas, locations, minutes, and meeting materials on the website.


How do you contact PC members or staff?

Planning Council Support Staff Contact Information:


Phone: 888-405-6610



Who is on the Council?

The planning council needs a membership committee and a clear and open nominations process to choose new planning council to members and to replace members when a member’s term ends or the person resigns.


This includes making sure that the planning council membership overall and the consumer membership meet the requirements of reflectiveness - having characteristics that reflect the local epidemic in such areas as race, ethnicity, gender, and age, and representation - filling the required membership categories as stated in the legislation.


Particular attention should be paid to including people from disproportionately affected and “historically underserved” groups and subpopulations.


At least 33 percent of voting members must be consumers of RWHAP Part A services who are “unaffiliated” or “unaligned.”


This means they do not have a conflict of interest, meaning they are not staff, paid consultants, or Board members of RWHAP Part A-funded agencies.


Who makes up the Planning Council?

The Planning Council is comprised of various share holders in the community who directly or indirectly interact with the HIV/AIDS community and who have a vested interest to ensure that the best possible services are provided to ensure a positive and healthy outcome for those served.


One of the most important components of the Planning Council membership and the reason why this program has been so successful over the years is the mandated requirement that one-third (33%) of Planning Council membership be consumers of services provided by the TGA. The involvement of the community is vital in ensuring that the funds are indeed being expended to their maximum benefit.


If I'm interested in joining the Council, how do I do that?

Applying to become a Planning Council member is easy! Just follow the step-by-step directions when you go to our  Planning Council Membership page.


Any questions can be directed to Planning Council Support Staff:


Phone: 888-405-6610





Who appoints the Planning Council Members?

All members are appointed by the Chief Elected Official (CEO) of the largest jurisdiction in the TGA, in accordance with the legislation.

The CEO for the Bergen-Passaic Counties TGA is the Mayor of Paterson, NJ.


What is the term of office?

Membership if for a two-year term and shall commence upon the date of appointment by the City of Paterson Mayor. Members may serve three consecutive two-year terms (a total of 6-years) if they continue to meet all membership requirements.


Can I participate without becoming a member?

All Planning Council and Committee meetings are open to the public.

You are welcome to join a committee, and take part in any of our meetings as a member of the public.

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-87) via grant H89HA00007.



The people in the photos on this web site are models and used for illustrative purposes only unless otherwise noted – no representation regarding HIV status is made and should not be inferred.

This site contains HIV or STD that may not be appropriate for all audiences.

Since HIV and other STD's are spread primarily through sexual practices or by sharing needles, prevention messages and programs may address these topics. If you are not seeking such information or may be offended by such materials, please exit this website.




City of Paterson

Division of Health & Human Services

Ryan White Grants Division

125 Ellison St.

Paterson, NJ  07505


Phone: 973.321.1336

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